                     Chalacyn Nights MUD Sound
To hear sound in Chalacyn Nights, the following are required:

  1.  You must be using an MSP 0.2 (or higher) compliant mud client.
      Or Chaco's (now, Andromedia's) Pueblo 2.01 mud client.
  2.  You need to have downloaded the Chalacyn Nights' Sound Packs from
      the website, http://www.chalacyn.com/sound.html.
  3.  And you need to have enabled sound inside the mud itself using
      set msp.
  4.  You can use set sounds to customize which sound packs are allowed
      to play.  Besides the sound packs, there are two special types
      of sound you can disable:  watch and external.  Watch means that
      you will hear others' combat sounds when watching them and 
      external means you will hear room affecting sounds - like somebody
      cast a spell or triggered a trap.

  Download the Chalacyn Nights' Sound Packs from the main website,
  http://www.chalacyn.com/sound.html.  The following are mud clients known
  to support the Mud Sound Protocol (MSP) and how to get them working
  in Chalacyn Nights:
  * Pueblo (version 2.01) @ http://www.chaco.com/ 
      Technically this is not MSP compliant, but Halaster and Alecto
      like FREE and like this client and thus so does CN.  Win 95/98/NT.

                   === HOW TO MAKE PUEBLO PLAY SOUNDS ===
    + Select a main directory to hold your CN sound files (something
      like C:\CHALACYN is good).
    + Unzip the sound packs into separate directories under your main
      chalacyn directory with the name of the sub directory being the
      the same as the sound pack (example: extras.zip should be unzipped
      into the C:\CHALACYN\EXTRAS directory).
    + Finally, login to CN and type "set msp <main_sound_directory>".
      If C:\CHALACYN was the main directory you selected to hold your
      CN sound files, the you would type "set msp C:\CHALACYN".
    + Remember, PUEBLOCLIENT must be enabled for you to hear sounds.
    + Once connected to Chalacyn Nights, you may want to check your client's
      sound settings by going to Edit/Preferences/Sound.  Make sure 
      "Disable sound" is unchecked.  You can control relative sound
      volumes under this dialog as well.

  * zMud (version 4.60+) @ http://www.zuggsoft.com/zmud
      It's for Windows 95/98/NT. It's got full support. But it's not free 
      and it isn't the most stable software.

                   === HOW TO MAKE ZMUD PLAY SOUNDS ===
    + zMUD creates a mud directory for your CN sound files automatically.
      Under the zMUD installed directory (usually, C:\PROGRAM FILES\ZMUD)
      you will find a ChalacynNightsMUD (or something similar) directory.
      If you do not see this directory, login to CN once... you will now.
      Under your ChalacynNightsMUD directory, there should be a directory
      called Sounds.  This is the place you store you CN sound files.
    + Unzip the sound packs into separate directories under your main
      chalacyn sound directory with the name of the sub directory being the
      the same as the sound pack (example: extras.zip should be unzipped
      into the C:\PROGRAM FILES\ZMUD\ChalacynNightsMUD\Sounds\EXTRAS
    + Finally, login to CN and type "set msp".
    + Once connected to Chalacyn Nights, you may want to check your client's
      sound settings by going to View/Preferences/Sounds.  In the Sounds
      dialog itself, make sure "Enable Sounds" is checked.  If you expand
      the Sounds list box, you will see "MSP General" and "MSP Sounds".
      Under "MSP General", make sure "Enable MUD Sound Protocol" is checked.
      It is recommended that "Echo MSP triggers" and "Allow inline MSP" be
      unchecked.  Under "MSP Sounds", you can customize the sounds played.

  * MudMaster (beta 39+) @ http://www.mud-master.com/
      This console client is free but very buggy. The MSP support is lite
      and doesn't seem to support music loops (that means background music
      will play only once). Windows 95/98/NT.

                   === HOW TO MAKE MUDMASTER PLAY SOUNDS ===
    + Select a main directory to hold your CN sound files (something
      like C:\CHALACYN is good).
    + Unzip the sound packs into separate directories under your main
      chalacyn directory with the name of the sub directory being the
      the same as the sound pack (example: extras.zip should be unzipped
      into the C:\CHALACYN\EXTRAS directory).
    + Login to CN and type "/msp <main_sound_directory>".
      If C:\CHALACYN was the main directory you selected to hold your
      CN sound files, the you would type "/msp C:\CHALACYN". MudMaster
      will collect the files in that directory and its subdirectories.
    + Finally, type "set msp" in Chalacyn Nights.

  * TinTin++ (version 1.5) @ http://personal.redestb.es/ragnar/ftp.htm
      From Ragnar comes a Linux version of TinTin++ that supports MSP.
      The client has never been tested with CN, so no promises!  Unix.
      Don't know, we haven't used it.  But the above steps for the other
      mud clients probably apply.  Write us how if you successfully
      setup this mud client for use with Chalacyn Nights.

  Unfortunately, there are no known Macintosh mud clients which support
  MSP or Pueblo style triggers.  Please let us know if you find one!


     You will know if you haven't got an MSP client or you don't have
     your mud client configured correctly and you type set msp.  Chalacyn
     will try to test your clients capabilities by playing the fumble
     sound immediately.  If you have the combat sound pack installed
     and have done everthing right, you will see
 		MUD sound enabled.
     and hear the wav file.  If you don't have the combat sound pack
     installed, but see "MUD sound enabled." only, that's a good sign
     that everything is configured alright.  If you see the following
     after "MUD sound enabled.":
 		!!SOUND(combat/fumble.wav V=90 L=1 P=90)
     then you either do not have MSP configured correctly for your client
     or you do not have an MSP compliant mud client.  You should disable
     MSP with the clear msp command in order to further spare yourself
     from MSP trigger messages cluttering up your screen.

     The above test works only partially for Pueblo as you will not
     see the !!SOUND MSP trigger regardless of your configuration.
     This is because Pueblo is not MSP compliant; your hard working
     CN admin made special provision for the Pueblo client.  So, if
     you hear sound in Pueblo, you've done it right; otherwise, you
     either don't have the combat/fumble.wav file or you're
  * GMUD32 (version 1.9b) @ ftp://papa.indstate.edu/winsock-l/mud/gmd3219b.zip
    + Unzip gsounds.zip into your gmud main directory, you will now have a
    file called chalacyn.gtp.  Make sure a Sounds directory exists here.
    + Run gmud32.exe and select File/Import Sound Pack and choose
    chalacyn.gtp.  This will place all the needed sound files in the Sounds
    directory, and enable associated social triggers.
    + Connect to CN...you're all set.  Do not enable MSP, GMUD will not
    recognize it.